Hey there, I'm Bim! A passionate Motion Designer/Animator currently based in the vibrant Northern Virginia D.C. area. From an early age, I've been driven by creativity, constantly seeking to express myself through captivating animation and innovative design.
Originally hailing from Metro Manila, Philippines, I was deeply influenced by the spirit of resilience and perseverance instilled in me by the remarkable individuals around me. Manila holds a special place in my heart as the birthplace of my 3G's - Grit, Guts, and Grind. These qualities have become an integral part of my character, accompanying me on my journey wherever life takes me.
Northern Virginia has become my second home, and I couldn't be happier, especially given its proximity to the bustling city of D.C.! 
I made the decision to relocate here to be closer to my family, and it's been a rewarding choice. This city strikes the perfect balance between a dynamic and serious atmosphere, infused with a touch of eccentricity that renders it truly unique. 
Whenever I need a breather, I can easily find a serene sanctuary to unwind and bask in the warmth of friendly faces passing by.
Whether you're interested in collaborating, hiring me for a project, or simply want to drop a friendly "hello," please don't hesitate to reach out! Connecting with new individuals brings me joy, and I'm always thrilled to create new connections.

Oh hey! Thanks for dropping a line! I'll get back to you as soon as I've read your message. Thanks for visiting my website!
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